💪Energetic Hard Rock

💪Energetic rock is associated to different words such as powerful, brave, heroic, action, war, sports competitions and winds, but it can be also used for game developers as well as for action adventure and battle scenes. This type of music functions to raise and uplift people's energy hence the importance in music production.

Rock keyboards


How to produce energetic rock?

Creating energetic rock is not hard to do it, it just requires that you love dynamic rhythms for you to give action to your songs, Loving Rock and Roll is a plus!. When we do things that we like most our brains are happy keeping our neurons harmonically connected one another. When we give a listen to the music we like, dopamine is released and pleasure is produced in our brains, this chemistry looks great!.

In order to motivate people with your music, first of all you need to be motivated, so then  you will be able to uplift people's energy! Give it a try!

Energetic Rock for Sports & action

People need a lot of motivation these days! Push them into action when they practice sports, so music should be dynamic, it means big rock drums like those ones heard in Metallica, Bon Jovi, Volbeat, Erick Johnson, Joe Satreani,  Malmsteen, Steve Vai, etc. Guitar could be powerful but is not the key, instead keep in mind a balanced and moderate distortion, the most important is a fast energetic catchy melody. Even though the rhythmic guitar might be slow it does not matter! as longest as the melody or the rhythm of your drum set be the right one.

The key is in the drum set

Let's give a listen the “Don't walk away” by Danger Danger and you will notice that despite the slow keyboard and slow rhythmic guitar, the use of a dynamic drum set makes the song a powerful uplifting music production. Yet this song has another acoustic version without drum set, the difference is huge!, the latter turns out to be a ballad. So the key is the rhythm of the drum set, the higher the speed of your drums set, the more dynamic becomes. By changing the speed of your drums, you are changing the mood of your song. 

Actually many famous hit songs originally were written down as ballads and as arrangers and musicians realize of other functions for these compositions as well as potential candidates for uplifting people's energy, they accelerated the speed of the drum set. We might quote many examples but let's focus on another famous song called “Living in a prayer” by Bon Jovi. This composition has at least three versions, but listen to the acoustic version and only piano version and you will notice a big difference. Change the speed of your drum set and you will notice how rhythm will change even the smoothly vocal intonation.

Give it a listen! and enjoy the vibes of new energetic music:

Find out the right guitar here

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